Monday, September 7, 2009

Old Habits Leading to More Old Habits

So I drank on Saturday. A lot. Way too much. I was the puking girl. So that in and of itself is bad, bad, bad. It was like I was a freshman in college again except my 8th grade PE teacher was there pouring me free shots. I feel pleased with the fact that I didn't smoke cigarettes other than one drag. Go me.

Anyway, the next day, as is always the case with hangovers, I couldn't eat for most of the day. When I finally did want food, I wanted something bad. greasy. delicious. I wanted a Portillo's cheeseburger. Now if you're not from the Chicagoland, you don't realize the magnitude and glory of the Portillo's cheeseburger (anything from Portillo's, really), but let me tell you, this craving is insatiable. My brother said he also wanted Portillo's and would get it and so he did. I didn't eat the whole thing or get fries which I can consider tiny victories, but still, a greasy fast food cheeseburger on a white bun is basically the antithesis of eating whole foods. Obviously, making good food investments today is paramount.

I wish the drinking didn't have the sort of landslide effect that it does. Who craves a salad after a night of drinking though? Not this girl.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Veggie Soup

My first post-cleanse kitchen adventure had to be vegetable soup. As I have mentioned before, coming off the cleanse delicately is really important so your digestion isn't completely wonky and so you don't get backed up. So as a reintroduction to food, it really only makes since to eat soup.

I decided to check out the local farmer's market and go from there. The Bartlett Farmer's Market actually kicks a lot of ass. I was surprised. I bought some red and white new potatoes, ginormous portobello mushrooms, a red pepper and a yellow pepper. I also bought some whole grain bread.

After skimming many recipes I opted to consult my homeboy Alton Brown. He, more than maybe anyone, knows whats up. The cool thing about soup is that it is so versatile. As long as you get some flavor layering going on, it's bound to be pretty good. You can easily take a recipe like this and play with it to suit your own tastes and refrigerator's contents. Even measuring becomes somewhat arbitrary (at least when it comes to the veggies).

Soup also rules because, by nature, you don't wolf it down since it is so hot. You savor soup and eat consciously (as opposed to mindlessly). Best of all, it is easy to freeze. Making a batch of soup will give you and your friends/family a meal or two and then some for down the road. So even if your grocery bill adds up, it really is like an investment for some night down the road when you don't feel like cooking.

One final thing I should add, this was the first thing I made using my food processor. I got overexcited about this and over-pulsed quite a bit. For people who aren't crazy about veggies--- that is a good thing. If you like your veggies present and want big bites of them, hand-cut everything. Just depends. Either way, you're getting your vegetables.

Garden Vegetable Soup
adapted from Alton Brown

4 tablespoons olive oil
3 chopped leeks (the white parts)
2-4 garlic cloves, minced
Kosher salt
2 cups carrots, chopped
2 cups potatoes, chopped (peeled if you like)
2 quarts chicken stock/broth (preferably organic)
2 large tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
2 ears of corn, kernels cut off
* approx 2 cups worth of other veggies. I added peppers, celery, a large mushroom and zucchini.
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 heaping teaspoon basil (optional)
1/4 cup packed w/ freshly chopped parsley
1-2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
a couple dashes of cayenne (optional)
a few dashes of red pepper hot sauce (optional)

Heat the olive oil in a large stock pot and then add the leeks and garlic over med/low heat for several minutes until tender. Then add carrots, potatoes and any other firmer veggie (like celery or green beans) and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring every now and then.

Add the broth or stock, increase heat and cover until simmering. Next add tomatoes, corn, any other more tender veggie (like mushrooms or zucchini), pepper and basil. Reduce the heat and cook for 25-35 more minutes. You want all the veggies to be fork tender. Checking the potatoes or carrots will give a good indication. Cut the heat and add lemon juice and parsley. Season to taste with kosher salt (probably at least a 1/2 teaspoon) and hot sauce, if desired. Serve and enjoy. I think adding hot sauce tasted great. My brother agreed, my mother did not. Depends on your taste, but I think coming off the cleanse it's almost kinda nice to consistently have a spicy cayenne kick because you're used to it and it's good for your metabolism. Also, the lemon juice in this soup adds a really nice brightness that I enjoyed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ending the Master Cleanse

Yesterday was day ten and it was mostly good. The whole city venture went all right (aside from rain, traffic and getting lost in Addision (wtf, Danielle, seriously?) on the way back). My interview went pretty well despite the fact that I rambled and couldn't remember my favorite bands in the beginning of it (serious forehead smacking on the drive home occurred), but nothing worth dwelling over. After drinking some water, I was more clear-headed. I was really cranky by the time I got home though, needing lemonade because I had crashed hard.

At any rate, I've decided to end at day ten as originally planned. I hemmed and hawed over it, but it boils down to the fact that I feel like I've gotten what I wanted out of this experience from a mental standpoint. Seriously, if I can abstain from eating anything for ten days then I ought to be strongwilled enough to avoid "edible foodlike substances" too (as Michael Pollan refers to processed foods). Although the physical cleansing wasn't exactly what I had been hoping for, there is no denying the fact that I did detox. Believe me.

As my first post-cleanse day, I did half a SWF, just because my stomach hurt (I think it's the tea). Today I will continue to drink the lemonade, but it will be in addition to orange juice. I need to go get some from the store soon. I may end up just buying oranges and juicing them. I've grown quite fond of the juicer. Tomorrow I can eat fruit and vegetable broth; the day after veggie soup. It's possible I may be going out to dinner for my dad's birthday on Saturday, and I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Just gotta stick with the In Defense of Food mantra: "eat food. not too much. mostly plants."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day Nine - The End Is Near?

So obviously my previous post is a little intense and overly emotional. Last night prior to writing I had spent several hours trying to create a writing sample as requested by someone I have an interview with tomorrow. Too much brain power gone + MC woes = messy.

I just had a good conversation with a very encouraging friend who thinks I should keep going past 10 days if desired black expelation (not a word) does not occur tomorrow. Today hasn't been that difficult though. I feel like I could keep going. My energy levels are fine and staying on the Cleanse longer isn't that unreasonable.

I've just gotta listen to my body tomorrow. I have an internship interview in the city at 3 o'clock. I'm most likely going to drive because train times don't really mesh and I feel like I have more control when I drive. Depending on how I feel physically and mentally after having done that, in combination with how I feel Thursday morning when I wake up, will determine if I go longer.

I wish I had some buddies to talk to who have done the MC. Like... I've read about some seriously gross sounding stuff coming out and I wonder if I'm chasing a dream. I mean that sounds so pathetic(!) but seriously, I just want the maximum desired result from my diligence and commitment to this thing. I wonder if the things I read about don't happen to everyone...

I know some MCers have started following me on Twitter and thus presumably read this, so hit me up with a message on Twitter if you have some insight on the black solids and such. It'd be invaluable at this point.

Oh, and this lemonade, which I originally thought tasted great, officially no longer does. I'm bored with it. Give me some new flavor!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day Eight - Waiting Game

Today wasn't bad like I had read about. I wonder if I will go through a second round of detox. It's not that I think I am truly cleansed or anything, but my tongue has started to become mostly pink again.

I feel like I'm straddling the fence right now about what to do if a second round of the cleanse doesn't begin before day 10. On the one hand, I want everything bad OUT. That was the whole point of this, and if I've come this far, then what's a few more days? On the other hand, I'm bored with drinking this stuff. I'm hungry. It's difficult to concentrate, and I tire easily. I signed up for this Master Cleanse support forum at some point today just to inquire about the process and some dude told me that I shouldn't expect to expel black solids in such a short amount of time. I mean.... who is that guy to tell me, I know. But at the same time it's just something to take into consideration. Maybe I won't cleanse as cleanly as I originally thought. It certainly doesn't mean I haven't been cleansing all week. Believe me, I have.

I'm starting work on Thursday and I'm not sure how it'll go. I've read about people exercising while on the cleanse, so it's not like I think I will pass out or anything, but it can be a lot of running around and stress. Also, to be around that much food and still fully be fasting sounds... miserable. At this point, I cannot imagine doing this for very much longer knowing I'm going to be physically touching baked potatoes and stuffing them with cheese, butter, bacon bits, sour cream and chives and then hand delivering it to someone with a smile on my face. The thought alone just made my stomach rumble. Shit you not. It's literally like dangling a t-bone in front of a dog and not letting her have it. It's going to be torture the first few day regardless though since I'm supposed to stick to juice the first day and fruits the second day. Ughhhh. I'm dreading it.

Clearly, 90 percent of what I'm going through right now is mental. Must find a way to power through the negativity. It would help if the sun would come out again.

Day Seven - Trucking Along, I Suppose

So it's officially been a week with no food! WOW. I feel it though, man. I'm hungry, and I feel like trying not to think about food is futile. So I'm trying best to just embrace it and have been sorta planning out healthy recipes and such. Ratatouille is definitely on the horizon. I think today part of it may be not putting enough maple syrup (calories) into my limeade. It tasted very citrus-y today even with extra dilution. I went to Trader Joe's today to buy more maple syrup. It was cheaper there than at Whole Foods.

I noticed today I've been more irritable and unable to concentrate. Even writing this is somewhat difficult. My mood today was also really hampered by others. Everyone in my house was grumpy and then a phone conversation with a friend consisted solely of me listening to him bitch. I think I'm a pretty good listener, but I could not handle it. I just found myself with very little compassion today. I hope that lessens tomorrow because no one likes a bitch.

I've heard that days 8 and 9 are rough like 3. Let's get this second round of intense detoxing under way, shall we?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day Six - Just An Average Day

The only thing really worth mentioning is that I went on a reasonably long walk with my dog. It felt good, kinda wore me out, but nothing too bad.

Also, my skin is starting to look more radiant. That is excellent.

I really missing chewing though. I want to eat food. It's crazy to say I haven't eaten in six days and I still have my sanity. I want these alleged "mysterious black solids" to hurry up and get here. I don't wanna have to do this more than 10 days.